
Ose is a small village in Bygland, located next to the main road RV 9 where the river Otra widens into the Åraksfjord. There has been a coaching inn here since 1887. Ose is known for its special building traditions and cultural activities, which include:
- The guest house Ose Turistheim, constructed in 1909 and still in service.
- The handicraft workshop Ose Ullvare, run by Annemor Sundbø, widely renowned for applying wool in every conceivable manner.
- Storstoga, a village hall made of large timber logged in the winter of 1655/56.
- Ose Community House, a modern culture and village hall used for various events.
- Grocery store with petrol service.
Just south of Ose you find the magnificent waterfall Reiårsfossen. Why not stop and enjoy the sight?
Although very few people actually live at Ose, there are numerous cultural events taking place: masquerade, blues Saturday, country music festival, food market etc.
Källa: Setesdal